The offering of a peaceful and relaxing retreat is the pinnacle of Highland Retreat‘s charm.
Vast landscapes of gentle rolling hills, and a craggy rock or two, makes for a welcomed pastime of exploration, as well as soothing visuals of tranquility.

There are very few buildings at this location, but the open skies and 360 panoramic view of the glorious sky and ocean more than makes up for it.
The main theme and inspiration comes from an ‘idyllic’ Scottish Island and rightly so, as familiar monuments make their home against a scenic shoreline.

The wildlife is also few and far between, but never lets you forget that they make this pastoral island their home. If you are in need of a break from the hustle and bustle of city or suburbia living,
and are looking for an unspoiled, picturesque scene,
visit Highland Retreat, our LTD Destination Pick for the month of January.

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