Cornwall – Valenska Voljeti

Every day, we’re thrilled to feature the incredible creations from our pool of talented home and garden artists on Flickr. Be sure to share your home and garden images with the LTD Flickr Group. Remember to provide credits for your work to be eligible for Image of the Day recognition. Join us in celebrating your wonderful contributions to the community! 

Photographer Valencia Voljeti perfectly captures the feeling of a deepening summer evening in their photo, Cornwall. The sun is low in the sky. the shadows are long, and there’s ice cream and coffee just waiting for whoever’s spending their holiday (or their life!) in this cottage. What drew me into this image was firstly the composition: it’s exactly what my eye wants to see. It’s cropped so that there are points of interest where our eyes seek them, and even though the scene itself is static, the impression of movement, of life, here is captured by the shadows, the angle of the shot, and the feeling this gives us that we are on the edge of something that is about to happen. It’s a story in medias res: we’re just starting it, but the sensation the image gives us is that something happened before, and something else will happen soon.

Valenska has deftly placed the Chez Moi Farah Patio Set as the focal piece in this photo, and with good reason: I know I want some ice cream and a nice coffee right now, just looking at it. The simple backdrop of the Bonaire Cornwell house (and the view through both windows is captured beautifully) gives us something wonderfully calm to rest upon, and other items she’s used in the photo serve to frame and dress without overcrowding or weighing down the image with their presence.

Congratulations Valenska! Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo with us! For full details on the items used in the photo, please click here.