Smaller Spaces – Ethan Takeda

Each day, we want to take the time to showcase the amazing work from the pool of our talented home & garden photographers from Flickr. Please make sure to add your home & garden blog and photography to our group. Credits must be given to be considered for the Image Of The Day.

Where time becomes eternal memories, Ethan Takeda takes us to an intimate and exclusive retreat. This suburban loft, with its contemporary, minimalist décor, is the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Imagine waking up to warm sunlight filtering through wide windows, and enjoying your morning coffee next to a desk that invites creativity. A large, cosy sofa embraces you in the living room, while a soft rug caresses your feet. Magazine racks filled with your favourite reads, an elegant table with magazines, a camera and personal accessories create an ambience that reflects your essence. The walls, adorned with canvases and frames, tell stories of your travels and special moments.

The jewel of this loft is the kitchen, a minimalist wooden space, illuminated by industrial lamps that add a chic touch. Here, your favourite wines are waiting to be uncorked, and the kitchenware is ready to inspire your culinary creations. A delicate sailboat on a glass stand adds a touch of elegance and serenity.

Between order and creative chaos, an industrial coat rack holds your favourite clothes, and a few garments are casually dropped on the floor, bringing life and personality to the space. Ethan Takeda has designed a home where every detail counts, creating a contemporary sanctuary that is both welcoming and deeply personal.

The warm morning light in every corner of this loft paints stories of serenity and elegance, turning every detail into a whisper of peace and sophistication. As James Dean would say, “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today,” in this space, every moment becomes an eternal and beautiful memory. Ethan has thoughtfully used brands like Kraftwork, Square, and Minimal to bring this decor to life, ensuring every piece contributes to the overall harmony and charm.

Congratulations Ethan Takeda! Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo with us! For full details on the items used in the photo, please click here.