Wildflower and Barley – Luna Morineaux-Song

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The décor created by Luna Morineaux-Song is an exquisite tapestry of carefully selected elements that together form a visual and emotional symphony. This space is an ode to elegance and eclecticism and a statement of how details and contrasts can transform an environment into a habitable artwork.

Like pages from an antique storybook, the tapestries and floral screen envelop the walls in a romantic, nostalgic air. Their designs evoke the essence of an enchanted garden, adding texture and depth while dividing spaces with subtlety and grace. The sophisticated and refined coffee tables stand as jewels of the furniture, some topped with porcelain vases and delicate floral arrangements. Pots filled with lush hydrangeas add bursts of color and fragrance, while hanging plants, with their gracefully drooping green leaves, infuse the room with freshness and life.

The beating heart of the living room is a flowing sofa, adorned with a vibrant combination of colors and tapestries, inviting relaxation and contemplation. Blues, florals, sepias, and gold intertwine in a harmonious mosaic, while tabby cat-form cushions add a playful and cozy touch. Intricately patterned damask rugs anchor the space and offer a sense of luxury underfoot, embellishing the floor with visual and tactile warmth.

A strapped trunk, laden with books, suggests a passion for reading, while a rustic cabinet holds decorative pieces like treasures, offering storage and a tangible connection to the past. Modern pictures with elegantly framed lettering add a contemporary touch that contrasts with the antique tripod camera, enriching the visual narrative of the space. Flower-form skirt lamps in glass gold and red bathe the space in soft, elegant lighting, reflecting the overall floral theme and adding an enchanting glow.

Luna Morineaux-Song’s décor is a masterful fusion of elements that combine elegance, rusticity, and sophistication. Each piece has been selected with an expert eye, achieving a perfect balance between classic and modern. This space is not only a place to live, but a stage that tells a story rich in nuances and details, transporting us to a world where beauty is found in every corner.

To recreate this wonderful atmosphere, Luna has used furniture from prestigious brands such as 8f8, James&Dew, Seven Emporium, Apple Fall, and West Village.

Congratulations Luna Morineaux-Song! Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo with us! For full details on the items used in the photo, please click here.