Blooming Romance

I couldn’t contain my excitement as I laid eyes on Dust Bunny’s Rosedale Manor. Its elegant stone walls and charming windows exuded a rustic charm that perfectly captured the essence of a cozy cottage, all within a practical and livable space.

I’m obsessed, and what else would I do but surround it with verdant grass, delicate pink blooms (Konoha – Jest + Cosmos), and the majestic presence of ancient plane trees from Konoha @FameShed. The detail on the bark is phenomenal. The creeping moss, and a diverse seasonal selection. A must have!

Also Featuring:

HPMD – Sweet Garden Grass09
Medieval Fantasy – Garden Forest Mossy Wood Fence
TDE – Stone Wall Set
dust bunny & con – blossom rowboat
dust bunny – blooming wishing well
Studio Skye – Epic Rock