I have always loved exploring in Second Life and there is no shortage of interesting places even after 11+ years. Exploring during the holiday season is especially fun because all sorts of new regions spring up delightfully decorated for winter and Christmas.
I got a notice inworld about I’ll Be Home For Christmas, a region designed by Trouble Dethly with the help of many of his friends, creators and residents alike. The region is “inspired by the nostalgia of memories long past” and it truly does inspire. There is a lot to see and do, including photography, sledding and snowboarding, visiting Santa and the reindeer farm and so much more. You can take a tour of the sim on Santa’s sleigh and it is a must to take in all the sights with a birdseye, or should I say a reindeers, view.
At the landing point is Christmas Village, where you can do a bit of Christmas shopping from some of your favorite creators including Apple Fall, Dahlia, Kraftwork, THOR and more. There are even some nice gifts to pick up along the way.
At the end of the main square you can continue your walk over to the residential area where there are several houses all decorated for Christmas. Be sure to have your volume up so you can listen to the Christmas music as you stroll and keep it up as you head to the wooded areas where you can hear the crisp winter wind, birds and other ambient sounds that add to the fun.
You can check out the post on Trouble Dethly’s Facebook page for all of the details including an upcoming cookie swap and holiday party and the Flickr page for more photos.
Enjoy the gallery of just a few of the photos I snapped along the way and be sure to check it out in person. It is truly a Christmas delight, especially for me, when I am missing home and a white Christmas this time of year!
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Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!