Spotlight on Hearth




Hearth by DFS is one of the clients I cover for Love To Decorate and I thought it would be fun to get to know Hearth and it’s creator, Fairy Lynn Ryder (fairylynn.whimsy), a little better. I came up with some questions that I thought would give us a peek into Hearth, it’s creations and it’s backstory. Here we go!

Tell me a little about Hearth?

“Hearth By DFS was started in January 2022. Hearth has a design team of one or two designers. Digital Farm System (DFS) is a farming simulation system of over 20K users. Many of the users were interested in keeping some of the DFS items as décor only. Based on this request, Hearth was born.”

How did you pick the name for your store?

DFS is a very family-based system. Often families and friends gather around the warmth of the hearth to socialize and bond. This inspired the name of Hearth.”

How would you describe Hearth?

“Hearth By DFS is a small but friendly décor store. We are about the small touches, which lets you express yourself, and give you a sense of home. The warmth of a fireplace, the comforts of a tasty cup of chocolate after a long hard day, with a few whimsy touches that allow you to dream and have fun!”

What do you think are the top 3 skills that a designer should have?

And patience”

What is the best thing about creating? What is the worst?

The Best thing is creating something that is in your head and making it real. The worst thing is when bring it into SL and it not working.

Do you have a favorite theme/season to create for?

“I am not a fan of the bloody or horror stuff.”

What item you have created is your favorite and why?

“I created a silly fat eggplant, and he makes me smile.”

I always love to hear the stories behind avatar and store names. I know my own certainly has a story and wasn’t just a random selection. After learning a bit about Hearth we moved on to some fun rapid fire questions to get a peek into the actual person behind Fairy Lynn.

Summer or winter? “Summer
Morning or evening? 
Cats or Dogs? 
Street smarts or book smarts? 
Driving or Flying?“Driving “
Travel to the past or the future?“Past”
Coffee or tea? “Coffee”
Comedy or Horror? 
Gold or Silver? “Gold”  

Thank you Fairy Lynn for giving us a peek into Hearth and your Second Life world! You can visit the Hearth store inworld here.