Cerridwen’s Cauldron is participating in the annual Hallow Manor Event & Hunt with their exclusive new release, Gorgon Lily, as well as an exclusive hunt prize! The Hallow Manor Event & Hunt runs from October 14th through November 1st, 2022.
Looking at the exotic Gorgon Lily plant, the first things that comes to mind for those who have been hooked to the popular Netflix shows – Stranger Things is the Demogorgon. Honestly this plant is more innocent, expressive, vibrant and at same time would bite with those thorns and fangs . These attractive plants which are the prickly water lily comes in 4 different shapes, a variation of colors which ranges from red, orange, yellow, green , blue , dark and the albino fatpack bonus colors. Independent colors are also available for the flowers, fruits, stalk & leaves and optional/ hideable glow. This is a perfect item for Halloween, fantasy theme landscape décor.

Cerridwens Cauldron- Cthonian Pluhsy Pack is the Hallow Manor Hunt Prize which includes the siting and standing Gnoph-Keh Black and Gug Bicolor variants.