Each day, we want to take the time to showcase the amazing work from the pool of our talented home & garden photographers from Flickr. Please make sure to add your home & garden blog and photography to our group. Credits must be given to be considered for the Pick Of The Day.
Today’s Pick of the Day comes from the incredibly talented NatG. I am in awe of anyone who can put together a room so effortlessly and through their use of furniture, decor and all those adorable little touches make it look like a room you want to experience and live in. Her chosen title, Enjoy the Little Things, sums up this picture beautifully through her use of items from Apple Fall, Dust Bunny at Anthem, and Kraftwork at Collabor88. I am enjoying each look and am finding new and surprising details that make this not just a room, but part of a home.
Congratulations NatG on creating a beautiful scene. If you want to check anything from it out, full details can be found here. And be sure to follow her Flickr for more gorgeous inspiration.