Insurrektion is participating in the 9th Annual Vintage Fair with their release of the Music’s Over Set! Vintage Fair 2022 is presented by BeSpoke and Silly Llama Productions and runs from June 10th to June 20th.
Keep the music going and turn any space into a time capsule with this extensive set! Many of these pieces will also blend perfectly into your boho theme. Used throughout are floral prints, earth tones, pastels, and of course, let’s not forget the music! Each item is available separately or you can grab the fatpack, which is available in PG or adult versions.
Single items info:
Couch: (PG or Adult) 7 LI, c/m/nt
Adult: 175 animations (singles cuddles and couples) with automatic props
PG: 85 singles and cuddles animations with automatic props
Cushion: 2 LI, c/m/nt, 9 singles animations
Screen: 6 LI, c/m/nt, 13 texture options for the drape
Hanging Dress: 3 LI, c/m/nt, 4 texture options, decor only
Lantern: 2 LI, c/m/nt, 3 light presets, color and intensity settings, and night/day mode
Banner: 2 LI, c/m/nt, 12 texture options
Guitar: 5 LI c/m/nt, 7 texture options, decor only
Bongos: 1 LI c/m/nt, decor only