Love to Decorate by All About Home is excited to bring to you our first-ever destination post. We have been discussing ways to bring home and garden into your Second Life. LtD currently shares new releases and sales from Second Life home and garden designers with you, as well as covering home and garden sales events. LtD also collaborates with some of the top home and garden designers in second life on special deals and activities. We also highlight the work of home and garden bloggers each day by selecting a Picture of the Day from our Flickr group.
What we have been missing is a way to reach those who love to explore and experience all the places and events that Second Life has to offer. So, without further hesitation, I invite you to kick back with me, Arwen Clarity, as I guide you through many of the interesting places you may have been missing. Experiences we don’t want you to miss.

The first location I have chosen to share with you is one that I first stumbled upon about a week ago, thanks to a good friend of mine and his grid traveling soul. The Breath of Nature sim is a feast for your eyes. Currently decked out with fields of spring flowers, trees and waterways that blow in the breeze. It reminds me of the countryside, especially with the many animals present among the decor. If you are a photographer/blogger who likes to include avatars in your shot, you will find a variety of spots that have animations and poses in them. You might find it hard to choose just one.

You won’t need to join any groups here to be able to stay and enjoy yourself. However, you will not be able to rezz any of your own poses or props since there is no group to join in order to do so. I did get a chance to speak to one of the sim owners Lilly of the Valley (sadi8), and she said that anytime she is online, she can help anyone with poses for their blog images.
As I journeyed my way around the sim, I noticed decor and landscaping items by Chez Moi, Brocante, Trompe Loeil, Heart Botanicals, Skye, CJ Creations, Little Branch, and 8f8, just to name a few. You will find spots for dancing, cuddling, making music, petting animals and splashing in the water. I encourage you to hop into the taxi below and check out The Breath of Nature sim soon!