ONSU – Greenfield House





ONSU is back with a new release at their mainstore location! Just in time to set up your home for all your wonderful Christmas decor, this house provides plenty of space, a beautiful outside look and endless possibilities on where your decor can go.

The Greenfield house is a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom Tudor Style home. The exterior is painted brick with two porch areas, both of which are covered. The entrance features beautiful limestone and wooden doors and shutters. The porte cochere is flanked by two open arches – the perfect place to store and show off your vehicles!

The interior layout features a main hallway to at provides access to two of the three bedrooms. Cross through the main hallway to arrive in the living area, which houses the living room, dining room and kitchen space. The kitchen connects to the outdoor dining area with incredible french doors.

The interior is tintable to customize the space to your decor needs and requirements. The realistic layout provides an endless and easy way to layout all of your decor as you fill up your house to make it feel like home.

Also available in the mainstore is the snow-add on for the Greenfield house. Enclosed with your purchase is a detailed user manual to aid you in the placement of the snow roof caps.

The Greenfield house is 119 LI and the snow add on is 27 LI. All pieces are copy & modify.